Windhorse Veterinary Clinic – A Fully Integrative Practice
Dr. Roster started this practice in 2002 and we have moving forward ever since. We really like our patients and by extension our clients. Our purpose is to help our patients and we use many different tools to do this. This practice marries regular, Western medicine with Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM), Spinal Manipulation (Animal Chiropractics), prescription Chinese and Western Herbal medications. This integration is “where the magic happens!” Each animal brings it’s own story into our lives. When we listen to these stories, we find the best medicine for each patient.
Our physical practice is located by Spencer, SD. We are very close many towns in our area including: Epiphany, Canova, Howard, Carthage, Fedora, Spencer, Farmer, Alexandria, Emery, Mitchell, Bridgewater, Salem. We also travel, especially for equine and other large animal work. Our travel often takes us to Tyndall, Huron, Humbolt, Hartford, Sioux Falls and surrounding areas,